How To Manifest Your True Self

Finding The Way Back To Your Core

Every morning, I start my day with writing my thoughts on paper, just to get them out there. It is a place where I can leave my concerns for now and know that somehow the answers will come to me.

It is not always easy to trust that the answers will come or that the dreams will manifest. But to be honest, after I have started with the attitude fake it until you make it, something big has shifted inside of me.


A natural self-connection can be stimulated through all sorts of activities. A meditative run, a flowing yoga session or calming breathing exercises.

Over time, my habit became 30 minutes of morning writing. This is the natural way to express myself. It helps me to articulate and put my finger on thoughts, concerns and topics I didn’t even realised were bugging me. It has taught me to make time for myself, to connect with me and to communicate in a different way with my loved ones.

My attitude has shifted and the weight on my shoulders doesn’t feel that heavy any more. My day is so much more natural. The way I handle things is calmer, and so are the people around me. It has also helped me to count my blessings and appreciate the things that already are in my life or have gradually appeared into my life. Sometimes even without me realising.

Of course, there are still moments that I let go of my morning writing. But when I let things get in the way of my natural rhythm I get into trouble. And somehow the next day, I am even more drawn to my morning writing.



If it comes naturally into your life it is there without you noticing. I’m talking about all things that we as human beings constantly crave for, but when right in front of us, we don’t seem to notice.

We manifest so much good stuff already, but somehow we take it for granted. Those great seats in the theater, the delicious taste of your own cooking, the company you keep at a wonderful dinner, or how you picked up that surprisingly good book.

Don’t forget that these are things that you’ve created! It is an original you! These are the moments to open your eyes for. These are the little wow factors in your own day. These things might seem obvious to you but actually are the result of you being natural and real.


The natural you is there for support, for being creative, for being ready to play and make silly amounts of fun. These are your talents and they are there for you always.

Yes, acting in-sync with your heart and being truly authentic might seem scary at first. But trust me, relying on your gut feeling and allowing vulnerability into your life are things that will be rewarded in the end.

It is very much like when you try something new for the first time – butterflies in the stomach – you step it up and suddenly life grants you that boost of energy. Before you know it, that scary ‘new’ thing has become a part of your day-to-day life.

When you are presenting yourself in an authentic and natural way, your talents and creativity can come out and you will shine.



When you are halfway there in expressing your authenticity – when people start noticing that unique thing that you are adding into your own life and into the lives of those around you – you will get to feel just how special you really are.

If you’re not sure yet how to manifest your natural self – ask around in your closest circle. What is it that your friend found interesting when he or she met you? Or be the observer of the moments you feel happy. How are people responding to you in these moments? This is how you will discover what your natural talents are and the grateful feeling that comes with it will energise you so much it will inspire you to be even bolder the next time!

Take your time to become naturally you. It is waiting for you to come out and play. Yes, that’s naturally so!




The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp

“I’m currently reading The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp. She’s a fierce lady full of in-your-face wisdom. She considers effort, action and routine the best preparation for a creative mind.” – Laura

Best-Selling Author Elizabeth Gilbert Talks About Finding Your Passion on OWN’s Super Soul Sunday

Photo Credit © Shutterstock


  • Nihad Khalil says:

    This post amazingly resonated with me, Renee. Me too I appreciate the time I spend on my own in silence every day. Without it I feel really imbalanced and stressed. I like staying so silent for some time everyday and it’s better if it is in open air, breathing fresh air, observing flowers, trees and all kind of creatures. I feel more inner peace and more relaxed the rest of the day. I like to be able to make writing a daily habit as I believe it will help me release all worries and thoughts so I feel fresher the whole day. I will try to make it a daily habit even for few minutes, I believe it helps a lot. Thanks for sharing such a great perspective with your readers. Good luck :)

  • Sheena says:

    awesome stuff renee, thanks for sharing

  • Kerry Martin says:

    Spending the first 30 minutes of you day first thing in the morning writing down your thoughts is such a simple yet brilliant suggestion that makes perfect sense. I find myself starting my day by checking Facebook before my emails (shudder) and that is a bad time-sucking habit to be sure! I shall now try sipping on my morning coffee whilst jotting down some thoughts … as I do believe I will have a more productive day as it forces you to be reflective and no doubt better focus on the most important things to get done that day … before getting off onto millions of tangents which may seem productive at the time but in retrospect usually are not!

  • Thanks for this inspiring post, Renee!

    In the last week after feeling in a rut creatively the past year, I started spending most of my day writing. Not necessarily in the first 30 minutes, but I pore all my ideas and thoughts and feelings on paper. It feels great! It’s definitely helped me to manifest my true self, that I didn’t even know existed til this week. I spend my days cooking and/or eating healthy food, going inward, stretching and sweating, and writing… and I’ve never felt more relaxed and at ease. It’s exciting. :)

    I’ll definitely remember to treasure this when it’s become more normal and less new for me. Although, I hope it doesn’t become normal! ;)

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