Ending Comparison And Living Your Own Truth

Letting Go Of Comparisonitis

We all deal with comparison on a daily basis. We compare ourselves to our co-workers, friends, and even complete strangers. Almost out of habit we immerse ourselves in other people’s glory – their successes, beautiful travel pics, and amazing work through our displays.

We wake up, scroll through our social feeds, only to start our days more miserable, feeling inferior and tired than the moment we woke up. How come?

Comparing yourself to the greatness that others put out into the world is tiring your soul. It is a game breaker for fun, a black hole sucking in all the lightness of your being, and has the potential to tear your unique voice apart.

The jealousy and overwhelm that come with comparison can eat you up from the inside, promote self-destructive behavior and make room for a pity-party of your own person.

When we measure our own worthiness up against the achievements of others, we lose touch with our own unique gifts. Comparison triggers perfectionism and startles our actions because we think that what we put out there will never be good enough. We procrastinate, only to scour for more solutions, and think we should walk the way others have walked before us.

Here are 6 ways to let go of comparing, and making way for your inner voice to articulate, amplify and radiate its own authentic brilliance into the universe!

1. Meditate Daily

Becoming mindful of your own thoughts is the first step towards letting go of negativity. Daily meditation actually empowers you to identify the different moods, feelings and thoughts that flow through your mind. It teaches you to separate your ego (that mean devilish voice inside of your head) from your true self.

You can start with ten minutes a day, and work yourself up from there. For me meditation has become the number one tool in dealing with anxiety, overwhelm and stress.

2. Ignite a Love Fest

The next time when you feel your beautiful self cringe when you are exposed to the glory of others, instead of scrolling further, try sending out some love to them. Leave a beautiful comment, encouraging them to keep on chasing their dreams.

When you see others thrive, why feel sad? There truly is blue sky above our clouds. Good days will come for you too. The moment you hold onto the positive, the universe will reward you with positivity as well.

Seriously, a smile on your face sets up your brain for happy thoughts.

3. Curate Your Inbox

You choose who you follow. If the things you signed up for do no longer serve you and only feed your inner stress – then it might be time to hit that big beautiful ‘unsubscribe’ button!

You have the power to curate most of the information you see on a day-to-day basis. Isn’t that wonderful? Your future self might thank you that you made room for the new and gave way for true motivation from other inspiring digital soulmates.

4. Defreeze – Get Moving!

The moment you realize you are completely stuck by overwhelm and comparison, pay attention to your body: there is a big chance that it’s stuck as well. Getting rid of your physical freeze actually loosens your mind as well.

A little walk in your break or a dance fest in your office will boost your creativity and elevate your mood for a better performance. When you come back you’ll inspire the socks off everyone and lift the collective energy level in your office!

And hey, a stronger body is a temple for a stronger mind, so next time around you’ll rely on your inner strength instead of letting your light be dimmed by comparison.

5. Go To Bed Earlier + Turn Flight Mode On

Sleep is the most underestimated physical and mental health instrument. Going to bed even 30 minutes earlier will have a huge impact on your performance and state of mind during the day.

When I get enough sleep I am 10 times more confident, happy, and productive during the day than if I’ve had a rough and short night.

Another trick for better sleep quality is putting your phone on flight mode, to diminish the electro stress. No worries – you won’t miss out on anything while your eyes are closed! The world will be there tomorrow.

6. Flex Your Self-Love Muscle

When we measure our own worthiness up against the achievements of others, we lose touch with our own unique gifts. We don’t see them anymore – because we think we need to have what she’s having. We think that the world only cares about what she’s putting out there.

Comparison triggers perfectionism and startles our actions because we think that what we put out there will never be good enough. We procrastinate, only to scour for more solutions, and think we should walk the way others have walked before us.

But hold on, darlingdear, nothing is further from the truth. The world is waiting on what you have to say, people are ready to connect with you because of YOU.

So be kind to yourself. Schedule some time doing what you love. Nourish, relax, create and thrive like you love yourself. Surround yourself with things that make you feel happy, that make you feel you. And affirm yourself daily with positive self-loving thoughts:

    “I have as much brightness to light up the world as anyone.”
    “I am worthy to be around.”
    “I honor my unique gifts.”
    “I love my life and the ones in it.”
    “I choose to let go of negativity.”
    “I am bigger than my concerns and worries.”
    “I take care of myself because I love myself.”
    “I am worthy of success.”

I hope this helps when you feel the comparisonitis swelling up inside of your chest. You’re not alone! And remember, the world deserves to see your unique gifts!

Let me know in the comment section how you go with this. Please share your experiences with us. Your fellow beautiful readers might truly benefit from your insights on their journey.


Photo Credit © Shutterstock


  • moritz says:

    Wonderful article! Besides the many personal reasons to cease Compararitis we should also mention the great negative externalities one has on his/her environment if one engages in constant unhealthy competition…

  • I clicked on your post specifically because it was a message I needed to read right now and it did not disappoint. I love some of your unique suggestions too x

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