Transcend Limitation With Love

Change The World With Love

Being the type that ponders why we’re here and what we’re bound to achieve (as well as how we’ll get there as a species) I tend to let my mind wander in the evenings, when all is quiet.

Marianne Williamson’s voice was in the background when I was working on my editorial calendar, and her words penetrated a deep part of my heart, the Mama heart that longs for everything to be safe and at peace in our world.

She spoke about issues all too familiar to me: genetically modified food dangers, war, hunger, corruption. She sounded frustrated when talking to the crowd, as these are issues she has long talked about, and not nearly enough action has been taken to make long lasting change. When I listened to the podcast of her speaking, I kept saying I know until the end, when she then elaborated on the healing power of us loving in tandem with doing what we each do best. Loving ourselves, our families, our neighbors, everyone.

When she spoke of doing what we individually do best, hope began to grow in my heart. This is where I’ve felt torn for years. What the heck should I be doing to make change in this world, when I myself am flawed? Always feeling like I didn’t have enough to give, and that when I tried to do what’s ‘right’, I failed.

But when she spoke of us needing to help the world by essentially becoming the best version of ourselves, I understood what I needed to do.

Ever since I became a Mother, I realized just how important healthy, loving, and supportive families are for humans as a species. The healing power of having a Mother and Father that loves us is tremendous. It is hugely underrated. I have fought post partum depression and anxiety and come out the other end a devoted, holistic Mama who wants to spend ample time with her little one and husband, viewing that as my priority above all else. My health matters, and I put my wellbeing at the top of the list of daily to-dos as if I don’t love myself, I have less to give to others.

We all have different ways in which we express our feelings, including love. For some of us, self love through creativity is what makes us feel nurtured. For others, spending alone time in nature is replenishing.

Regardless, loving the world and finding the best ways in which we can serve our local (and international) communities is what is going to create long lasting change in our world.

Transcend limitation with love.

Photo Credit © Shutterstock


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