6 Ways To Feel Empowered On A Busy Day

You Got The Power!

Do you remember that song? It gives me so much energy. To be honest, I have no clue how the rest of that song goes, but for some reason, I was thinking about that song today. While sitting here, soaking in the its energy, I realized that being empowered also means being in charge.

All of a sudden, this made so much sense to me. After some extremely busy days full of stress, I felt completely drained. I had thrown my own empowerment out of the window. I wasn’t sure how I could get my huge to-do list done in one day. I knew I had to do something differently. But you probably know that on days like these, there is not much time left to think about such things at all.

So this morning, I finally had a breather. I made some coffee and sat down to think. That’s when this song popped into my mind – You got the power! Woohoo! You got the power! – And yes, we do!

We do have control over our own empowerment. We do have influence on our day. We can empower ourselves.



1. Stop Trying To Please Others

Yes, you can be considerate, but you have to be kind and considerate to yourself as well.

2. Have Some Me-Time

There are only 24 hours in the day, so plan some self-care and self-actualisation time! Even if it is as little as 10 minutes, make sure to clear your mind and focus on yourself for a bit. Where are your thoughts leading you? Try seeing yourself from a distance.

3. What Puts A Smile On Your Face?

Thinking about what makes you smile can instantly make you happier. For me this is finding time, to listen, to coach and to write.

4. Set Priorities

What is the most important “to-do” for you today? Do that thing first. After that you’ll feel more creative and freer to focus on other things.

5. Breathe!

Make time to take a few deep breaths any time. You’ll immediately feel calmer. Make sure to check in with yourself today.

6. Trust Yourself More

Trust that everything that needs to be done will be done.

Being empowered means being in charge.

For me the song was a reminder to get my empowerment back. What makes you feel empowered?

Photo Credit © Shutterstock


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